
Showing posts from July, 2020

How do dangerous viruses like COVID-19 come about?

This year we have witnessed the devastation that viruses can cause. In addition to the numerous mortalities and morbidities that the virus, COVID-19, has caused, it has also brought entire economies to a stand still. In fact, lifestyles have changed because of this virus. Many know viruses cause diseases, but they now want to know more about viruses. They have been seeking answers to the questions that they have. I would be answering a number in this blog post. Model of coronavirus A virus is an infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. What this means is that a virus isn't a living thing like a plant or an animal. The smallest unit of an animal or a plant is the cell. Outside a living cell, a virus is more of a particle, an object without life, that does not grow or shrink. However, it does contain genetic material in the form of a DNA or an RNA. As soon as a virus comes into contact with a living cell, it hijacks the living cell and the...